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Publications Archive

The Minneapolis Fed has a long history of producing print and web publications on a wide range of topics that concern the Ninth District's economy and community.
Annual Report key image
Annual Reports
Every year, as part of our commitment to transparency, the Minneapolis Fed reports our finances, our accomplishments, and other key information
Banking in the Ninth
Banking in the Ninth
Supervisory and regulatory news and analysis for the banking community
Community Dividend
Community Dividend
Information and insights on community development issues, innovations, and best practices
Regional business and economic news and analysis
magazine cover showing illustration of 3 dimensional graph with people and houses
For All
The Opportunity & Inclusive Growth Institute’s magazine highlights the breadth, depth, and diversity of the Institute’s contributions to understanding the wide array of inequalities in the United States and around the world.
silhouettes of figures
Interviews with economists
Since 1987, we have conducted scores of interviews with prominent economists and other leading scholars and policymakers.
The Region
A journal of economics and public policy, featuring interviews with prominent thinkers and policymakers, and articles on banking and current economic controversies.