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100 years and counting

June 13, 2014


Joe Mahon Director, Regional Outreach
100 years and counting

December 2013 marked the 100th anniversary of the Federal Reserve Act, but since the architecture of America’s new central bank wasn’t put in place until the year following the act’s passage, the Fed is observing its centennial during 2014. An assortment of conferences and other special events are planned throughout the year to mark the milestone and, as part of the commemoration, the Fed launched a website chronicling its first century.

The gateway website contains an interactive timeline of events throughout the Fed’s creation and evolution. Along with each key event—the “Black Monday” stock market crash of 1987, for example—there is an essay giving greater background for visitors who want to know more. The site also includes biographical material on the Fed’s leaders through the years and details on how its mission has evolved over time. All of it is illustrated with historical photos and other graphics, as well as archival materials.

Stop by to learn more.

Joe Mahon
Director, Regional Outreach

Joe Mahon is a Minneapolis Fed regional outreach director. Joe’s primary responsibilities involve tracking several sectors of the Ninth District economy, including agriculture, manufacturing, energy, and mining.