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Income Distributions and Dynamics in America

Visualizing incomes in America: Chart and map toolkit

Use statistics from the Income Distributions and Dynamics in America dataset to customize maps and charts that explore income and earnings inequality across sex, age, geography, and race and ethnicity.

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About this project

Income Distributions and Dynamics in America (IDDA) is a powerful resource for advancing our understanding of incomes across America. This is a collaborative research project of the U.S. Census Bureau and the Minneapolis Fed.

To learn more about how IDDA was constructed, who is represented in IDDA, and what types of questions IDDA can help answer, please visit our FAQ.

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Granular Income Inequality and Mobility using IDDA: Exploring Patterns across Race and Ethnicity
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Frequently Asked Questions

What makes the IDDA statistics unique?

The IDDA resource and dataset is a powerful set of income-related statistics that are derived from the combination of individual U.S. tax records over a 20-plus-year horizon. IDDA statistics summarize extensive data from restricted IRS and Census Bureau records to give a novel level of fidelity to income outcomes across demographic groups in the United States. This makes insights from administrative data broadly accessible in a way that they usually are not, including descriptions of the incomes of very high earners.

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For academic and research reports, we recommend the following citation format:

Kondo, Illenin, Kevin Rinz, Brandon Hawkins, Natalie Gubbay, John Voorheis and Abigail Wozniak. (2023). “Granular Income Inequality and Mobility using IDDA.” U.S Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Working Paper CES-23-55. Associated dataset: version 1.0.

For policy briefs or articles in the popular press, we recommend the following citation format:

Income Distributions and Dynamics in America, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,


The opinions and conclusions expressed here are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau has ensured appropriate access and use of confidential data and has reviewed these results for disclosure avoidance protection (Project 7511151; Disclosure Authorization Numbers CBDRB-FY23-0277, CBDRB-FY23-0373, CBDRB-FY23-CES014-019, and CBDRB-FY23-CES014-016).


Please email us about your research using Income Distributions and Dynamics in America data for inclusion in the project bibliography. We also welcome your questions about the project. For media inquiries, please contact Alyssa Augustine.

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