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The Minneapolis Plan to End Too Big to Fail - November 2016 draft

View the full plan or read in pdf form.

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari today announced the release of the Minneapolis Plan to End Too Big to Fail, a policy solution that will enable the U.S. economy to flourish without exposing it to large risks of financial crises and without requiring taxpayer bailouts.

Section 1

Summary of the Minneapolis Fed Plan to End Too Big to Fail

Section 2

Recommendations: Key Support and Motivation

Section 3

General Empirical Approach for the Capital and Leverage Tax Recommendations

Section 4

Technical Calculations Supporting the Capital and Leverage Tax Recommendations

Section 5

The Banking and Financial System Post-Proposal Implementation

Section 6

Request for Comments on the Minneapolis Plan to End Too Big to Fail


Ending TBTF Initiative Process

Summary for Policymakers

Key Questions about the Minneapolis Plan to End Too Big to Fail

Read the full plan

The Minneapolis Plan to End Too Big to Fail [PDF]