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Findings from the 2017 Native CDFI Survey: Industry Opportunities and Limitations

CICD Working Papers 2017-04 | Published November 28, 2017

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Michou Kokodoko Senior Policy Analyst, Community Development and Engagement
Findings from the 2017 Native CDFI Survey: Industry Opportunities and Limitations


The Center for Indian Country Development at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis intends to provide energy and coordination to Indian Country development initiatives across the Federal Reserve System. One area of focus is advocating and developing resources for Native community development financial institutions (NCDFIs) working toward strengthening reservation economies. This spring, on behalf of the Center, the Minneapolis Fed’s Community Development Department conducted a survey of NCDFIs to collect data that can be used to inform financial institutions about NCDFI-related investment opportunities. Findings, shared in this report, suggest there are unmet lending opportunities in the industry. These opportunities illustrate both the limits and potential of NCDFIs.