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Unemployment Risk, Portfolio Choice, and the Racial Wealth Gap

Institute Working Paper 86 | Published March 1, 2024

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Ellora Derenoncourt Short-Term Visitors
Chi Hyun Kim University of Bonn
Moritz Kuhn University of Mannheim
Moritz Schularick Kiel Institute for the World Economy and Sciences Po
Unemployment Risk, Portfolio Choice, and the Racial Wealth Gap


Black Americans face higher cyclical unemployment risk than white Americans: job-finding rates during recessions are lower and the risk of becoming long-term unemployed is higher. Differences in unemployment risk across Black and white Americans imply that Black Americans optimally invest less in risky assets. We show that differences in unemployment risk can explain up to 90% of the gap in the stock market shares of Black and white portfolios, resulting in lower returns on wealth for Black Americans. Through this portfolio channel, adverse labor market conditions for Black Americans translate into lower wealth returns and exacerbate racial wealth inequality.