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Informing and engaging with our communities throughout 2018

Highlights from a year committed to public engagement, examining opportunity, data-driven research, and supporting diversity and inclusion

April 2, 2019

Informing and engaging with our communities throughout 2018

From immigration to financial education … from gathering regional economic data that assisted policymakers to promoting strategies for affordable housing … the Minneapolis Fed informed and engaged the community throughout 2018.

Our impact included:

hale bale and money pile graphic
Allison Bertelson/Minneapolis Fed

Chapter 12 bankruptcies on the rise in the Ninth District

Ronald A. Wirtz
November 14, 2018

Director of Regional Outreach Ronald Wirtz’s revelations about a spike in chapter 12 bankruptcies among Ninth District farmers, data-driven reporting that found its ways to the halls of the U.S. Congress.

Lisa Cook
Harley Seeley for Minneapolis Fed

Lisa Cook interview: On invention gaps, hate-related violence, discrimination, and more

Douglas Clement
December 11, 2018

In-depth interviews with the world’s top economists, such as Lisa Cook of Michigan State, on issues of race and gender inequality.

Op Ed key
Allison Bertelson/Minneapolis Fed

Pause interest rate hikes to help the labor force grow

Neel Kashkari, President
October 26, 2018

Influencing monetary policy by sharing the Minneapolis Fed’s analysis in the Wall Street Journal.

Chris Long/Minneapolis Fed

“Hamilton” student social media contest for tickets and paid internship launched

Alyssa Augustine
September 18, 2018

Embracing the arrival of the Broadway hit “Hamilton” to the Twin Cities and leveraging it to help educate local school kids and the community about the role of the Fed.


Affordable housing crisis demands more supply

Ron Feldman and Mark Wright
October 18, 2018

Addressing affordable housing, a primary challenge for communities throughout the Ninth District.


Race, and the race between stocks and homes

Douglas Clement
July 31, 2018

Summarizing world-class research for the public to better understand issues of inequality, opportunity, and inclusive growth.

Chris Long/Minneapolis Fed

Immigrant entrepreneurs revitalize Minnesota town

Andy Steiner
July 17, 2018

Examining the role that immigrants have on workforce participation in a rural community.

homeownership book key
Lori Korte/Minneapolis Fed, Shutterstock

Tribal leaders handbook on homeownership

Center for Indian Country Development
Spring 2018

Providing tools to promote homeownership in Indian Country.