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Comparing Alternative Representations, Methodologies, and Decompositions in Business Cycle Accounting

Working Paper 647 | Published December 1, 2006

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Patrick J. Kehoe Monetary Advisor
V. V. Chari Consultant
Comparing Alternative Representations, Methodologies, and Decompositions in Business Cycle Accounting


We make three comparisons relevant for the business cycle accounting approach. We show that in theory representing the investment wedge as a tax on investment is equivalent to representing this wedge as a tax on capital income as long as the probability distributions over this wedge in the two representations are the same. In practice, convenience dictates that the underlying probability distributions over the investment wedge are different in the two representations. Even so, the quantitative results under the two representations are essentially identical. We also compare our methodology, the CKM methodology, to an alternative one used in Christiano and Davis (2006) as well as by us in early incarnations of the business cycle accounting approach. We argue that the CKM methodology rests on more secure theoretical foundations. Finally, we show that the results from the VAR-style decomposition of Christiano and Davis reinforce the results of the business cycle decomposition of CKM.

An updated version was published as [Staff Report 384]( "Staff Report 384").