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Financial Disclosure and Code of Conduct

In order to promote transparency and in response to media interest, the Federal Reserve Banks are making available the financial disclosure forms and related documents filed by their current Presidents with Federal Reserve Bank Ethics Officers. The information will cover the most recent years the Presidents have served in their current positions through the most recent year of filing.

Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2023 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2022 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2021 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2020 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2019 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2018 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2017 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2016 [PDF]
Neel Kashkari - Form A, 2015 [PDF]
Narayana Kocherlakota - Form A, 2014 [PDF]
Narayana Kocherlakota - Form A, 2013 [PDF]
Narayana Kocherlakota - Form A, 2012 [PDF]
Narayana Kocherlakota - Form A, 2011 [PDF]
Narayana Kocherlakota - Form A, 2010 [PDF]

Code of Conduct for the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis [PDF]

Voluntary Guide to Conduct for Senior Officials [PDF, off-site]