Connect with Enrique
Enrique G. Mendoza is a consultant at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and professor of economics at the University of Pennsylvania, where he was previously director of the Penn Institute for Economic Research. Before coming to Penn, he held positions at the IMF, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, Duke University and the University of Maryland. Enrique is also a research associate with the National Bureau of Economic Research and a member of the Latin American Committee on Macroeconomic and Financial Issues and the Advisory Panel of the Bank for International Settlements.
Enrique received a B.A. from Anahuac University and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Western Ontario. His research focuses on international capital flows, financial crises, sovereign debt, and international business cycles.
Enrique’s recent work has appeared in American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Review of Economic Dynamics and the Journal of Political Economy. He currently serves on the editorial board of the Journal of International Economics.