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Great Depressions of the 20th Century Conference

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
October 20-21, 2000

Friday, October 20
9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast
Opening Remarks
10:00 a.m. V. V. Chari, University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Session I: European Inter War Experience
10:10 a.m. Franck Portier, University of Toulouse, and Paul Beaudry, University of British Columbia, CIAR, and NBER
  Title: The French Depression in the Thirties
Discussant: Kevin M. Murphy, University of Chicago
Moderator: Marvin Goodfriend, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
11:15 a.m. Coffee break
11:30 a.m. Harold L. Cole, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Lee E. Ohanian, University of California-Los Angeles and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  Title: A Neoclassical Analysis of Britain’s Interwar Depression
Discussant: Thomas J. Sargent, Stanford University
Moderator: Gary Hansen, University of California-Los Angeles
12:35 p.m. Buffet luncheon
1:40 p.m. Jonas Fisher, University of Chicago, and Andreas Hornstein, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
  Title: A Neoclassical Perspective on the German Economy 1925-1938
Discussant: Arthur J. Rolnick, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Moderator: Russell Cooper, Boston University
2:45 p.m. Coffee break
3:00 p.m. Fabrizio Perri, New York University, and Vincenzo Quadrini, New York University and CPER
  Title: Understanding the Great Depression: What Can We Learn from the Italian Experience?
Discussant: Ellen McGrattan, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Moderator: Ayse Imrohoroglu, University of Southern California
4:05 p.m. Coffee break
Session II: Japan in the 1990s
4:20 p.m. Fumio Hayashi, University of Tokyo, and Edward C. Prescott, University of Minnesota and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  Title: The 1990s in Japan: A Lost Decade
Discussant: Nobu Kiyotaki, London School of Economics
Moderator: Tomoyuki Nakajima, Brown University
5:30 p.m. Reception and social hour
6:30 p.m. Conference dinner
Saturday, October 21
10:00 a.m. Continental breakfast
Session III: Latin American Depressions
11:00 a.m. Raphael Bergoeing and Raimundo Soto, ILADES-Georgetown University, Universidad Alberto Hurtado,Patrick J. Kehoe, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Timothy J. Kehoe, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and University of Minnesota
  Title: A Decade Lost and Found: Mexico and Chile in the 1980s
Discussant: Pete Klenow, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Moderator: Randall Wright, University of Pennsylvania
12:10 p.m. Finn E. Kydland, Carnegie Mellon University and Carlos E. J. M. Zarazaga, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  Title: Argentina’s Lost Decade
Discussant: Fernando Alvarez, University of Chicago
Moderator: Rody Manuelli, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1:15 p.m. Buffet luncheon
Session IV: The Great U.S. Depression
2:30 p.m. Casey Mulligan, University of Chicago
  Title: A Dual Method of Empirically Evaluating Dynamic Competitive Equilibrium Models with Distortionary Taxes, including Applications to the Great Depression and World War II
Discussant: Richard Rogerson, University of Pennsylvania
Moderator: Ben Bernanke, Princeton University
3:35 p.m. Coffee break
3:50 p.m. Harold L. Cole, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and Lee E. Ohanian, University of California-Los Angeles and Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
  Title: New Deal Policies and the Persistence of the Great Depression: A General Equilibrium Analysis
Discussant: Nancy L. Stokey, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and University of Chicago
Moderator: Boyan Jovanovic, New York University
5:00 p.m. Robert E. Lucas, Jr., Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and University of Chicago
Remarks on the Great U.S. Depression
5:30 p.m. Reception and social hour